Our approach to improving your body.

We are often asked what does an osteopath do. At Body Plus Osteopaths we take a rigorous approach to finding a solution that puts you at ease. When you are in pain, the goal is not just to reduce your stress but also help you find ways to potentially reduce re-occurence in the long term.


Overcome the fear

It can be worrying when you are in pain. Is it serious? Will I cause more damage? What should I do?. In 99% of cases they can be treated. It’s our job to make sure you feel confident about what we can do.

Uncover the issue

One of the first things we will do is to assess you thoroughly to diagnose what the problem is and what may be causing your pain.

Help you understand your issues

Once we have diagnosed the issue we will explain what’s happening and devise a treatment plan with you which will then hopefully put your mind at ease. In the small number of cases that treatment isn’t appropriate we are able to refer you to the appropriate place in order to best help you.

Help you make changes in your life

Understanding your symptoms is one thing, but we will also endeavour understand all of the life factors that may be contributing to your pain. Things like sleep, nutrition, stress, activity levels and mood can have a big affect on your recovery. We will work with you to help address any of these areas to help with your recovery.

Let Body Plus Osteopaths ease your pain.
Call 01277 801 920 or

What to expect

Our initial consultations area anywhere up to 45 minutes long. Here we will begin with a thorough case history discussion and begin the diagnosis process.

We will listen and ask questions about your problem, your general health, other medical care you are receiving or medication you are taking, and record this in your case notes. The information you provide will be confidential.

From here we will move into a movement and physical assessment which will help to guide us to what the potential issue may be. We will ask you to make simple movements and stretches to observe your posture and mobility. Because of the body’s structure, pain or stiffness you are experiencing in one part may be linked to a problem elsewhere

We always try to leave enough time for treatment in our consultations but with some more complex issues this may not always be the case

All follow up appointments are anywhere up to 30 minutes long as we will not need to do the whole case history again.

What To Wear

You should always wear something that you are comfortable in. Ideally you should be able to move around easily and we can treat through light clothing like gym gear. Occasionally we may ask you to remove an item of clothing. This is so we can see how the area is moving in order to improve the effectiveness of our treatment. But that will always be at your discretion, and if you are uncomfortable please let your therapist know.

We at Body Plus Osteopaths believe that treatment should not be a painful process.  Although some discomfort and tenderness may be experienced during treatment, we always encourage our patients to talk and feedback during treatment to ensure that this is kept as low as possible.

Body Plus Osteopaths can help with all of the following