Osteopath for Neck Pain

Neck pain can seemingly appear from nowhere and yet continue to cause pain for many months. Not only is neck pain uncomfortable it can make life tricky with a restriction in neck movements.


What causes neck pain?

At Body Plus osteopaths we have seen many reasons and causes for neck pain. It can be your body reacting to you  sleeping in funny position, the after effects of whiplash caused by a traffic accident, pain that is eminating from a sports injury, or simply postural pain from the way you may sit at work.


Can an osteopath help with neck pain?

Yes we can! At Body Plus we can treat anything from muscle spasms to restriction in neck movements. We will carefully assess the causes of the pain and plan a treatment to help alleviate the issue. Our osteopaths will also be able to advise as to what steps you can take in your everyday life to try and avoid future problems. This can include advice on posture, exercise and ways of working to avoid further aggravation of the neck.

If you would like to talk to an osteopath for neck pain
call 01277 801 920 or