Are you looking for an osteopath in Basildon?

If you live in Basildon, and are looking for an osteopath, contact Body Plus Osteopaths. We are just a short drive away in Ingatestone and are here to help with all your body pain – from head to toe.

What issue do you have that osteopathy treatment can help with?

Osteopath For Sciatica, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex


Leg pain with back pain that travels past your knee.
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Osteopath For Neck Pain, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex

Neck Pain

Treatment from muscle spasms to restriction in neck movements.
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Osteopath For Back Pain, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex

Back Pain

We can help with all types of back pain.
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Osteopath For Headaches, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex


Improve through massage, spinal manipulation and joint articulation.
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Osteopath For Shoulder Injury, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex

Shoulder Injury

Whether acute sports injury or long term pain we are able to help.
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Osteopath For Hip Pain, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex

Hip and groin pain

Help symptoms with an evidence based exercise prescription.
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Osteopath For Knee Injury, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex

Knee Pain

Prescribe exercises and treatments to reduce your symptoms
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Osteopath For Foot & Ankle Pain, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex

Foot and Ankle Pain

Assess your foot and joints to understand what is casing your pain
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Osteopath For Sports Injury, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopathy Essex

Sports Injuries

Rehabilitation and long term solutions for sport related injuries.
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Acupuncture, Osteopathy Treatment, Body Plus Osteopath Essex


Dry needling to help alleviate local muscular tension.
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What is an Osteopath and How Can They Help You?

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us suffer from various health issues, often related to stress, poor posture, or physical injuries. When conventional medicine doesn’t seem to provide the relief we need, it’s worth exploring alternative healthcare options like osteopathy.

Although osteopaths take a holistic approach, they are also considered primary healthcare. Which means they can work with the NHS the same as other evidence based practitioners such as physiotherapists.

Osteopaths are trained to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, including but not limited to, back pain, neck pain, joint problems, and more. They undergo extensive education and training, earning a Master in Osteopathy degree, which allows them to diagnose and treat various medical conditions.

Five Ways an Osteopath Can Help You

Pain Management

Osteopaths are experts in relieving pain, often through hands-on techniques like manipulation and stretching. They focus on restoring the body’s natural balance and function, which can alleviate discomfort and reduce the need for pain medications.

Improving Mobility

If you’re struggling with limited range of motion due to injuries or chronic conditions, an osteopath can help. They use targeted treatments to enhance joint flexibility and muscle function, making daily activities easier.

Whole-Body Approach

Osteopathy is based on the belief that the body is an interconnected system. Osteopaths not only address the symptoms but also look for the underlying causes of your health issues. By treating the root cause, they aim to provide long-lasting relief.

Personalised Care

Osteopathic treatment plans are tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Your osteopath will assess your medical history, lifestyle, and current health status to create a customized plan that works best for you.

Preventative Care

Osteopaths not only treat existing conditions but also help prevent future health problems. They can provide advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and nutrition.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a Basildon Osteopath who offers a natural and holistic approach to healthcare that goes beyond symptom management, consider Body Plus Osteopaths. They can play a crucial role in enhancing your well-being, improving your quality of life, and helping you achieve optimal health through personalised, hands-on care. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy to ensure it’s appropriate for your specific needs.