Osteopath for shoulder pain

Body Plus Osteopath have treated many forms of shoulder injury and pain including the diagnosis of muscular imbalance and joint damage. Whether acute sports injury or long term pain we are able to help.


What are the causes of shoulder pain?

There are many reasons that people suffer from shoulder pain. Have you lifted something which is too heavy or in an awkward manner? Have you over reached and not adjusted your body to accomodate the stress on your body? Maybe you have slipped or tripped and fallen onto an outstretched hand. Pins and needles in your hands and arms can also be a sign of an issuse with your neck or shoulder.


How can Body Plus Osteopaths help with shoulder pain?

If you have lost mobility and flexibility in your shoulder we can help. The first thing we do is identify the cause of the issue. This will enable us to set out a course of action to help to ease the pain. It will also provide us with the evidence we need to also suggest changes to your lifestyle, or the way you work, to try and reduce further episodes.

If you would like to talk to an osteopath for shoulder pain
call 01277 801 920 or