Osteopath for foot pain & injury

The foot alone has 26 bones and 29 muscles associated with it. So it is little wonder we see so many people complaining of pain on top of the foot, pain in the heel of foot and pain in the the ball of the foot or the arch.


What causes foot pain?

Every case is different and it can also depend on which area of your foot is causing you pain. It could be a sprained ankle caused whilst playing sport, an achilles issue if you have pain at the back of the foot or heel. There is potential for the pain to be a symptom of tendonitis if the top of the foot feels stiff. In more severe cases, you may suffer from plantar fasciitis causing a sharp pain between your arch and heel.


How can Body Plus Osteopaths help with foot pain?

It’s important to remember that, even though your foot may be immensely painful, not all foot pain is plantar fasciitis! At Body Plus Osteopaths we will asses the mechanics of your foot and other joints above it to help understand what is casing your pain. This can be related to activity levels (Sports, work etc), mechanics of the foot when walking and running, and also stretching of the hip and knee joints

If you would like to talk to an osteopath for foot pain
call 01277 801 920 or