Body Plus Osteopaths and Therapist for sport injuries

The team at Body Plus Osteopaths have extensive experience and can work as a therapist for sport injuries. As well as being qualified osteopaths they also have taught martial arts, worked within the sports industry offering sports massage to professional footballers, and even owned their own fitness centres and gyms!


As an osteopath for sports injuries, what is your procedure for recovery?

At Body Plus Osteopaths, our therapists believe it is highly important to complete  a full analysis of your problem areas to be able to examine functionality, posture and biomechanics. This will give us an in-depth knowledge of your body’s movements.

This analysis will help us to pinpoint the main causes of your pain and to identify areas of imbalance or misalignment that could also be leading to soreness in other parts of your body.

We will then devise a variety of therapies to get you moving again.

Whilst our initial goal is to provide you with some immediate relief from symptoms, we want to return you to full fitness with fully-functional movement. By pinpointing the root causes of your discomfort, we can work more effectively with you to achieve rehabilitation.


What are the causes for the most common sports injuries that a sport therapist can help with?

  • Incorrect exercise techniques.
  • Overtraining (too often, too frequently, or for too long.)
  • Increasing the intensity of physical activity too quickly.
  • Over-repetition of playing the same sport.
  • Running or jumping on hard surfaces.
  • Wearing shoes that do not offer enough support.
  • Incorrect equipment.
  • Training or playing sport with a prior injury.

If you have a sports injury and would like to speak to one of our therapists call 01277 801 920 or