Osteopath for back pain

If you are suffering, or have suffered from back pain, it will come as no suprise that, according to NHS England, lower back pain alone accounts for 11% of the total disability in the UK population.


What are the main causes for back pain?

There are many factors which affect why people have back pain. It can be caused by general wear and tear due to age, weak or underused muscles due to a lack of exercise, improper lifting such as on a building site or even when in the garden, as well as lifestyle factors like smoking and poor nutrition. There are also some psychological issues that can cause back pain, as well as smoking (coughing has been known to lead to herniated discs.)


How can Body Plus Osteopaths help with back pain?

The first task is to identify where the pain is coming from, and the reason why it may be occuring. Body Plus Osteopaths will not only look at your body but also your lifestyle to understand what treatment we can provide. Whether it is an acute injury caused by over exertion whilst in the gym, to chronic issues lasting for years, we can help ease the pain.

If you would like to talk to an osteopath for back pain
call 01277 801 920 or