Osteopath for headaches

Most headaches are caused by muscular tension, and postural issues, which is why an osteopath for headaches makes perfect sense. .Headaches are a very common problem and they are caused by a multitude of issues which we will work with you to identify and find the cause, or causes, of your pain.


What treatments help with headaches?

At Body Plus we believe a combination of massage, spinal manipulation and joint articulation will help relieve you from the pain of headaches.


Can you help with the ongoing problems of headaches?

Our osteopaths will work with you to put a management plan put in place to prevent or reduce further episodes. This will include helping you to change posture, build tissue strength and make changes to your lifestyle which can help reduce headaches.

If you would like to talk to an osteopath for headaches and head pain
call 01277 801 920 or