Body Plus Osteopaths
Personal osteopathy from trained professionals.

Body Plus Osteopaths are an Essex based osteopathic practice with years of experience working with people to restore the normal function and stability of joints to help the body heal itself.

The techniques used are dependent on your individual symptoms but can include massage – to release and relax muscles, stretching to ease stiff joints, moving your joints through articulation to provide a natural range of motion, or thrusts to help relieve tension in areas such as the spine.

These techniques aim to reduce pain, improve movement and encourage blood flow.

If you would like to speak to one of our osteopaths call 01277 801 920 or

Osteopathy from head to toe

We go to great lengths to make sure every part of your body works to its maximum capacity. If you are experiencing pain and would like to know how we can help, click on one of the links below.

Sciatica >  Headaches >  Neck Pain >

Back Pain >   Shoulder Injury >   Hip & Groin Pain >

 Knee & Leg Pain >   Foot & Ankle Pain >

Sports Injuries >   Acupuncture >

Body Plus Osteopaths can help with the following and more: